Thursday, April 24, 2014

Charles Simic " A Reunion With Boredom "

Source: Simic, C. (2014). "A Reunion With Boredom". 50 Essays: A Portable Anthology (4th ed., ). Boston: Bedford/St.Martin's.
This essay has " A Reunion With Boredom " by Charles Simic is interesting on how he describes the  
the boredom in rural areas. For instance he says " We sit with our heads bowed as if trying to summon spirits, while in truth struggling to see what's on our dinner plates." Makes me think of college students that depend so much on they're devices for their homework and everyday lives. They can't last a day without they're devices. It's pretty shocking that our electronic tools would be so important. Simic's shared experience of no electricity due to natural disasters, makes me think of what it will be like if major cities were to have no electricity for one month. Would they become addicted to books as a few people he knew? Or total wrecks without the box with the light-up screen? The tone the Author is putting across seems a bit like pity of our dependance of technology. Simic's experience of boredom of how he thought time stood still or when he become too aware of his existence because of the boredom. In a way, it seems like Simic is devising being completely alone and having time to think to yourself. It almost sounds dangerous, as though if he were to be alone any longer in that quite room, eventually it would drive him crazy.

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