Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Is The Demand For E-Books That High For Students In College?

    Source: Novack, J. (2012, May 18). " Should College Students Be Forced To Buy E- Books ". Forbes. Retrieved , from

  " Should College Students Be Forced To Buy E-Books " by Janet Novack states that college students are paying a bit too much for textbooks and there is a better way to save money on the required material.  E-books for example are a way in saving money and easier to travel with. However, in a study it shows that students prefer print other than digital. The reason is the students have been acquainted with most their educational experience(Novack,2012). Textbooks are expensive for the fact of the making of it such as paper, printing and warehousing. The schools have found a way to help support students by partnering with McGraw-Hill to make the cost of buying books affordable. How the schools make sure the books are affordable is by insuring that particular textbooks for class, the professor requires or the school has selected are affordable through e-books. It allows publishers to give  major discounts(Novack,2012).
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