Monday, April 14, 2014

    Self-worth Through The Social Media

 Consider this ladies, what if the way you viewed yourself was because of social media. What if the insecurities you had wasn't because you were bullied as kid for having big ears but, was the fact that the social media said it was weird. This article  "Is Social Media Destroying your Self-Esteem", by the Forbeswomen and constributor J. Maureen Henderson on the Forbes website explains how Pinterest could be one of the causes for low self-esteem. Since women are the larger percentage of users on Pinterest , it enables woman to create an image of their ideal life through collected imagery according to Jezebal a blogger who addresses sexism mainly towards woman. It had been said that Pinterest has been abusing the users' image by the dietary post such as thinspiration or "thinspo". Members would have images, post, and links to dieting and extreme weight loss. which where requested to be banned. Also research ay the University of Buffalo say that women who see their self-worth through their image are most likely going to post more images of themselves online for confirmation and to have larger social networks. (Forbes,2012)

Henderson, J. M. (2012, August 11). "Is Social Media Destroying Your self-Esteem". Forbes. Retrieved , from

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