Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Nicholas Carr " Is Google Making Us Stupid"

   Carr, N. (2014). "Is Google Making Us Stupid?". 50 Essays: A Portable Anthology (4 ed., ). Boston: Bedford/St. Martin's.

 Nicholas Carr's essay "Is Google Making Us Stupid" claims that we have become too dependent on the internet and in some ways affects our thinking and attention span. Carr supports his ideas by pointing out his difficulty with concentrating while reading a book. Also his friends and certain bloggers he follows expressing the same difficulty. In defense to his claims, Carr quotes James Old a neuroscience professor, who directs the Krasnow Institution for Advanced study of George Mason University about how the brain changes it's old connections to new ones. It can adjust the way it functions(Carr, 2008). Through this information Carr makes the connection of Google's motivation to turn their search engine into artificial intelligence. Also including that Google takes away the ability to engage in reading a text.
In result making a quick skim of a text more of a habit. In addition, Carr's ideas all surrounded the issue of not being able to concentrate. Also how we evolve mentally to new inventions that have to do with our minds efficiency. I agree with Nicholas Carr's opinion about the adaptation we've made to Google and other changes to researching and literacy. Furthermore, I am impressed of how he doubts himself that he just might be over reacting.

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